Create Pseudo-Bulk Matrice from scRNA clusters & replicates
create_pseudobulk_mat_Seu( Seu, by = "IDcluster", biological_replicate_col = NULL, assay = "RNA" )
Seu | A Seurat object containing scRNA dataset with 'IDcluster' column. |
by | A character specifying the name of the metadata column referencing the clusters. |
biological_replicate_col | Optional. A column of the Seurat object indicating the replicates or batches of the dataset in order to take in account biological/technical noise. If NULL, will create random layers of fake replicates. |
assay | Assay to use. |
A pseudo-bulk matrice of cluster spread by replicates / batches / fake replicates.
if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){ data("Seu", package = "IDclust") mat <- create_pseudobulk_mat_Seu(Seu, by = "seurat_clusters") }