Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network

Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network

Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network

plot_cluster_network(object, ...)

# S3 method for default
  color_by = "IDcluster",
  cluster_col = "IDcluster",
  colors = NULL,
  node_size_factor = 7.5,
  edge_size_factor = 1,
  threshold_to_define_feature_active = 1,
  max_distanceToTSS = 1000,
  gene_col = "Gene",
  function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
    flip.y = FALSE),
  legend = TRUE,

# S3 method for Seurat
  IDC_summary = NULL,
  color_by = "IDcluster",
  cluster_col = "IDcluster",
  colors = NULL,
  node_size_factor = 7.5,
  edge_size_factor = 1,
  threshold_to_define_feature_active = 2,
  function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
    flip.y = FALSE),
  assay = "RNA",
  legend = TRUE,



A Seurat object clustered with iterative_differential_clustering()


Additional parameters passed to the plot function.


Optional. A data.frame of differential analyses summary outputed by iterative_differential_clustering() when saving option is TRUE. Use to determine the width of the edges based on the number of differential features of the given marker.


A character specifying the column of the Seurat to use for coloring the nodes.


A character specifying the column of the Seurat to use to store the iterative differential clusters.


A character vector of colors. If NULL, will take R default color.


A numeric specifying a multiplicator of the size of the nodes.


A numeric specifying a multiplicator of the size of the edges.


If color_by is a gene, an integer specifying the threshold above which a gene is considered as active in any given cell.


If color_by is a gene, the maximum distance to TSS to consider a gene linked to a region. Used only if "color_by" is a gene name.


If color_by is a gene, a character specifying the column in the rowData of the object


A function of g for the layout of the graph.


A logical indicating whether to plot the legend or not.


If color_by is a gene, the assay in which to retrieve the counts.


A hierarchical network of cluster assignation:

  • Size of nodes reflects the number of cells

  • Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster

  • Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to 'color_by'

A hierarchical network of cluster assignation:

  • Size of nodes reflects the number of cells

  • Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster

  • Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to 'color_by'


# Plotting of Seurat scRNA object (Paired-Tag)
if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){

data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
data("IDC_summary_scRNA", package = "IDclust")

    object = Seu,
    IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scRNA,
    color_by = "IDcluster",
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
                                                         flip.y = FALSE)

# Plotting proportion of cells activating a specific gene in  Seurat scRNA 
# object (Paired-Tag)
    object = Seu,
    IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scRNA,
    color_by = "Erbb4", # a gene contained in the Seu object
    threshold_to_define_feature_active = 2,
    assay = "RNA",
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
                                                         flip.y = FALSE)


# Clustering of scExp scH3K27ac object (Paired-Tag)
if(requireNamespace("ChromSCape", quietly=TRUE)){

data("scExp", package = "IDclust")
data("IDC_summary_scEpigenomics", package = "IDclust")

    object = scExp,
    IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scEpigenomics,
    color_by = "IDcluster",
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
                                                         flip.y = FALSE)

# Plotting proportion of cells activating a specific gene in  scExp scH3K27ac 
# object (Paired-Tag)
    object = scExp,
    IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scEpigenomics,
    color_by = "Tcf4", # a gene contained in the scExp object
    threshold_to_define_feature_active = 1,
    gene_col = "Gene",
    max_distanceToTSS = 1000,
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
                                                         flip.y = FALSE)
